





With the amazing development of computer technology, computers can translate all kinds of languages well so our children don’t need to learn foreign languages in the future. To what extent do you agree with this view?


Machine Translation Cannot Replace Human Translation

Machine translation has been the focus of intense interest since the advent of programmable computers. In spite of its increasing popularity, I personally hold that it cannot replace human translation. Learning foreign languages will still be important in the future.

First of all, as globalization and communications are bringing the world ever closer together, ever more urgent he need for global citizens to be competent ins other languages. In a world where nations and peoples are ever more dependent upon one another to supply goods and services, solve political disputes and ensure international security, understanding other cultures is paramount. Learning another language gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind and context of that other culture. Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, true access to that culture is barred. Furthermore, having a second language on a resume is almost a requirement of the job-seeking professional. Businesses recognize that a person with the ability to speak a second language fluently is a valuable asset, It also shows off the capacity of the aspiring job candidate to learn and assimilate complex systems of information, a talent that is sure to catch the attention of any human resources department: Though computers can translate different kinds of languages, machine translation has many shortcomings, making it impossible for it to replace human translation. Computer translation is understandable, but not of publishable quality. Furthermore, the computer cannot discern context and intended meaning the same way a human can. On the contrary, human translation is more accurate and reliable.

In conclusion, computer translation cannot replace human translation and learning foreign languages will remain vital in the future. (281 words)


1.The idea of converting one language to another automatically and instantaneously has been a long-held dream of anyone needing to communicate between cultures. This is why computer translation of documents,also referred to as machine translation,has been the focus of intense interest since the advent of programmable,general-purpose computers during WWII.

2.MT (Machine Translation) is analogous to being an extremely fast typist. You can type up to 100 words per minute with 30% accuracy, or type at 30 words a minute with 99% accuracy, Being fast is great, but if accuracy is important and must be put back into your translation, then you are losing a lot.


3.In general,the current capability of most high-quality MT software applications will allow you to generate draft quality translations.

4.However, translation will always be a human process, since it is human communication that we are mediating.



In today’s job market university leavers have to consider many things when they are applying for jobs. Some people argue that career development is more important than salary. What is your opinion?


Career Development Is Better Than a High Salary

New graduates oftentimes face the dilemma between a high salary and career development. It is usually the case that one’s dream job cannot bring adequate monetary rewards. Should one opt for career development or an immediate high salary? Personally, I would give priority to career development.

Admittedly, a high salary is an effective incentive to entice graduates who often are in great need or eager to make money. After all, remuneration is such a crucial factor when it comes to job hunting. It is undeniable that human beings are often restrained by their short-sightedness. What seems to be sufficiently rewarding at the moment may lose its advantage in the future. Authoritative statistics have illustrated that employees who choose salary over their real interests tend to be dissatisfied with their jobs despite the extra money they can earn. In addition, strategic planning regarding one’s career may not yield any immediate reward. In fact, many people have to forgo some present day rewards in pursuit of their dream careers. However, in the long run, all the efforts and planning will pay off. Career development helps new graduates find their bearings and invest in their future. Finally, one is more likely to feel content by working in one’s element and attaining some achievement.

In conclusion, a focus on career development rather than an initial financial gain will improve employee job satisfaction now and in the future. (233 words)


1.For some people it is a necessity rather than an option to seek a highly paid job.

2.A large number of successful people have attested to the significance of career planning.

3.Career development serves as an anchor preventing one from getting lost in the vocational ocean.

4.It is not worthwhile to sacrifice one’s dream for money.



Many university students donate blood because they either get marks or benefit in some other way while others see it as helping others in need. Do you think that students should get something in return for donating blood?


Universities Should Reward Blood Donors

Should university students be rewarded for donating blood or should they do it out of altruistic(利他主义的) reasons? As far as I am concerned, I believe that students should not make the donation merely in order to obtain rewards. Yet, institutions ought to devise some incentives to promote blood donation.

To begin with, the act in question is to help or even save the lives of people in need. In view of the notion that prize and punishment should be meted out accordingly, donors should be rewarded for their selflessness. Second, the implementation of various incentives also serves to encourage students to donate blood. As the saying goes, “One good turn deserves another.” Even if donors do demand some repayment, it is utterly justified. Meanwhile, the establishment of the incentive policy also reinforces an advantageous societal system where good deeds are encouraged. Nevertheless, the foregoing points do not justify able-bodied students eschewing blood donation if no rewards are offered. Otherwise, our world would be replete with mercenary individuals; and no society can survive let alone thrive when it is corrupted with selfishness.

In the final analysis, students should make donations in an altruistic fashion”.However, universities ought to present some rewards to express their gratitude. (205 words)


1.It is undeniable that people are more inclined to donate blood when there are rewards being offered.

2.It makes sense that society should promote this laudable course of action by providing some rewards.

3.It is a praiseworthy act and should be justly credited.

4.If this policy manages to increase the much-needed blood donation, then government should enforce it.



Education plays a great role in our lives but some people believe that real education begins with self-education. Do you agree or disagree with them?


Real Education Begins With Self-education

Many people hold the stance that real education begins with self-education and I believe that this assertion is fundamentally correct.

The key issue regarding the claim in question involves the definition of self-education. In the traditional type of education, teachers play a major role and subjects chosen by educators or the government are being taught regardless of each student’s intrinsic interest. Admittedly, education at school carries various virtues and serves to instill knowledge as well as moral principles in pupils. Nonetheless, it inevitably neglects individual needs to some extent. It would be unrealistic to devise a customised educations which caters to each pupil according to his aptitudes. In contrast, self-education holds the key to creating an education tailored to each individual and therefore serves to optimise the result . Furthermore, since self-education by nature is initiated by the student himself, it is very likely that the student will be more motivated and assiduous. Also, it is undeniable that education begins when students start absorbing rather than mechanically memorising what they are being taught. One can sit in a classroom without paying any attention to the teacher as is often the case in traditional education. Yet, self-education requires students to willingly comprehend and apply whatever principles they are learning.

In the final analysis, I strongly agree with the notion that real education begins with self-education. (223 words)


1.Self-education in a way is a type of active learning in which students are more inclined to take initiatives.

2.Plus,students can acquire so much knowledge which is not included in traditional curriculum via self-education.

3.Self-education is a lifelong endeavour.

4.Real education should not be about forcing students to learn things that do not interest them.

5.Self-education grants students more freedom as to what they choose to study.



Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. However, respect for the elderly seems to lacking nowadays. What is your opinion on respecting the elderly?


Respecting the Elderly Is a Traditional Chinese Virtue

The elderly have accumulated a lifetime’s worth of experience, however, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized.

Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, “One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests,” Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, so every family should inspire younger members to respect the older ones. It is important, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. Families should make a point of including and involving the older members in the family activities and decisions. In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly.

Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. And specifically, how that society treats its elderly men and women. If young people do not respect the elderly, the whole society will be a mess without respect. Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us. (244 words)


1.It is a Chinese tradition to respect, love and support the elderly and to protect, educate and take good care of the young.

2.Different generations are vying for different kinds of attention,and in this time-constrained environment, older people are becoming more and more sidelined.

3.Communities as a whole should take certain steps to raise awareness about older people,and to encourage people to value the contributions that older people bring to the community.



Some people think that we can learn good lessons from past mistakes while others say that we can learn nothing. What is your opinion about this?


Learning from Mistakes

We all make mistakes which are inevitable. What is worse is failure to con own mistakes. While making mistakes is good, repeating mistakes is definitely not. Apart from correcting your own mistakes, we should learn from the mistakes.

You can only learn from a mistake after you admit you have made one. As soon as you start blaming other people, you distance yourself from any possible lesson that could be learned from it. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible”, the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning possible by moving the focus away from blaming yourself and towards understanding. Wise people admit their mistakes easily. They know progress accelerates when they do. On the other hand, for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. This is why some people consider that they canlearn nothing from mistakes, We are taught in school, in

our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to avoid mistakes. This sense of shame combined with the inevitability of setbacks when attempting difficult things explains why many people give up on heir goals: they are not prepared for the mistakes and failures they will face on their way to what they want.

In conclusion, we can and should learn good lessons from past mistakes in order to be more successful in our private and public lives. (251 words)


1.Sometimes the best way to learn anything is to start out by making mistakes.

2.The more mistakes a person makes,the more they will have learned and the greater chance they will have of succeeding on their next try.

3.The key, however, is to learn from your mistakes and never make the same mistake twice. Thomas Edison would have never invented the light bulb if he had not taken this principle to heart.



It was reported recently that one woman followed actor Andy Lau around for ten years. What is your opinion about those fans who idolise certain celebrities?


Idollsing Celebrities Goes Too Far

Celebrity worship has been identified as one of the most common forms of idolatry these days, However, many fans go too far with pursuing stars. Some have facial plastic surgery just to look a little more like the star they worship. Others even pay all their money to see the stars in person. I personally hold that blindly worshipping famous people should be deterred from becoming rampant.

Due to daily gossip columns in the tabloids(小报) and the ubiquitous(随处可见的) celebrity news in the media, researchers report that about one third of people suffer from Celebrity Worship Syndrome, an actual syndrome that can become obsessional, replacing conventional relations, Some fans of famous people tend to indulge in daydreaming about stars they worship. Having less communication with their friends and families, some obsessed fans ignore conventional relations, leading to psychological problems or disorders. Blind worship undermines young people’s spiritual pursuits in real art, literature, philosophy, and science, without which they can hardly hold the sacred torch of civilization transferred to them from preceding generations. It is no exaggeration to say that blind star-worship will probably lead young people whose discretion is not enough into abysmal darkness, and thus buried with them is the hope of the future.

In conclusion, given the above harmful effects of blind star-worship, every effort must be made to help fans to get out of the hopeless swamp of star-worship. (231 words)


1.Young people admire stars for the glamour and money that surround celebrities.

2.Admittedly, star-worship does make certain contributions towards society. At least it boosts the prosperity of the film, TV, and sports industries, creates more job opportunities, and facilitates the redistribution of national wealth. Nevertheless, in the long run, its harms outweigh its benefits,



It is a problem these days that more and more young people are becoming addicted to computer games, Some people say that this virtual world cuts them off from the real world. What is your opinion about this?


Computer Games Are a Form of Escapism

Are computer games a boon in terms of helping students relax after a long day’s work at school? Or are they detrimental to pupils future development since students can become easily addicted to the virtual world? Personally, I am in sympathy with the latter.

Admittedly, computer games furnish entertainment when students only spend a moderate amount of time on them. It might even be beneficial since pupils can combine study with pleasure and therefore achieve high efficiency. However, the hard truth is that droves of students end up being obsessed with computer games and view them as a way to escape from reality. As a result, academic study is inevitably neglected. And a vicious circle is created-the more frustrated students are about study, the more addicted they become to the virtual world. Furthermore, not only pupils academic performance may suffer from playing computer games, the violence featured in such games may also exert an impact on impressionable teenagers. When the dividing line between the virtual and the real world is blurred, students may resort to violence in order to solve issues-as they do in games. Authoritative reports have confirmed that the increasing rate of violent incidents is ascribable toll the prevalent trend of playing computer games.

In sum the demerits of computer games far outweigh their few merits because of the tendency for students to neglect academic study and because some students may become more violent. (238 words)


1.Students tend to spend an inordinate amount of time on computer games.

2.It is undeniable that playing computers for a long time will put a strain on pupils health as well.

3.Granted,computer games can be utilized to yield beneficial results. Yet,a balance has to be drawn in order to achieve this objective.

4.In some cases,pupils’ creativity can be stimulated by computer games.

5.Students who submerge themselves into the virtual world oftentimes confuse the games with reality.



Many students date during their university days because it’s their best opportunity to find pure love. Some students do not because they say it is a waste of time and money. What is your opinion about campus love?


Students Are Entitled to Experience True Love

Should universities discourage students from dating on the grounds that’ it is a waste of time as well as energy? Or is it justified for students to venture into a romantic relationship from which they will learn valuable lessons absent from their textbooks? I personally advocate campus dating.

Opponents may argue that university students should place study as their priority as dating in all likelihood may distract them from this objective. However, learning is not all about memorizing textbooks and passing exams. True love holds the key to happiness in life and students are entitled to experience it. Admittedly, a relationship may serve as a distraction in some cases? Yet, it can also yield beneficial results. Couples may encourage each other to achieve academic excellence and support each other in times of crisis. Furthermore, it is tantamount to cruelty to hinder the pursuit of true love. The decision as to whether or not to start a relationship should be an entirely personal choice free from interference. In the final analysis, I believe that students can learn so much from a relationship, such as tolerance, care and compromise. All of these will serve well foll their future success both in career and in life.

In conclusion, campus love promotes happiness, and can be beneficial towards academic study and therefore should be a matter of personal choice. (225 words)


1.Campus love should be encouraged but carefully guided.

2.Campus love also constitutes an indelible experience.

3.Some even claim that university life is incomplete without experiencing campus love.

4.It is easier to find like-minded partners universities than workplaces.

5.Campus love is beneficial for students mental and emotional development.



In June 2007, the Ministry of Education issued a new regulation that college students should not be allowed to find their own housing solution. This ban on students renting off-campus places has triggered off a hot debate. What is your opinion about renting an apartment off-campus?


Students Should Live on Campus

Is it justifiable to impose a ban on renting off-campus apartments for university students? Or should the authorities leave the matter to students themselves to decide since they are already adults? Personally, I lend my support to the former.

First,living on campus may be convenient owing to the proximity to the teaching buildings along with other facilities, It is obviously very handy to walk out of one’s dorm and be in the classroom just five minutes later. The library and canteens are close by too. On the campus where I live the distance between dormitories and classrooms is quite far so a bicycle is a necessity. To have an extra distance to travel between home and campus is unthinkable. Second, it is by and larges much safer than living off-campus. Students think nothing of staying in the library until late at night and then walking or cycling back to the dorm. Security guards patrol the campus night and day and also the dorm entrances. But think what could happen if you have to venture outside the campus and make your way home alone through darkened and deserted streets and then enter an unguarded building, Security is something we all take for granted on our campuses but this cannot be guaranteed off-campus.

In conclusion, living on campus means that everything that you could possibly require is close at hand with the added benefit of feeling safe and secure within a gated community. (242 words)


1.The advantages of living on campus,I believe,outweigh its disadvantages.

2.Some people argue that living in dormitories helps students to forge a bond between them which will continue long after graduation.

3.By living under the same roof, students are likely to learn the importance of cooperating with each other.

4.Students can sleep soundly at night knowing that they live in a secure environment.

5.Students do not have to face a long commute between dormitory and classroom.


  • 2021年













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