

艾美捷Fluorochorome研究工具在生命科学实验中有着广泛的应用,Fluorochorome致力于荧光染料的研究与开发,其Fluoro Gold(荧光金)自1985年推出以来被广泛应用,并有大量的参考文献。除此之外,Fluorochrome还拥有高灵敏度的Fluoro-Gold抗体、以及 Fluoro-Ruby(红色荧光金)等等。

Fluorochorome Fluoro-Gold & Fluoro-Ruby ——神经元逆行/顺行示踪标准:

FluoroGold( 荧光金),品名Fluoro-Gold,是使用超广泛、超有效的 神经元逆行示踪剂 ;

Fluoro-Gold( 荧光金)抗体是超有效的针对于荧光金的抗体,自Fluorochrome于1998年推出以来,它取得了非常好的成绩;

Fluoro-Ruby( 红色荧光金)是一种快速、灵敏、可靠且技术简单的荧光神经元顺行示踪剂,Fluoro-Ruby的使用于Fluoro-Gold基本相同,被认为是了不起的神经元顺行示踪剂 。


52-9400 荧光金 Fluoro-Gold 20mg Fluorochrome

52-9400 荧光金 Fluoro-Gold 50mg Fluorochrome

52-9600 荧光金抗体 Antibody to Fluoro-Gold 0.1ml×1 Fluorochrome

52-9500 红色荧光金 Fluoro-Ruby 30mg Fluorochrome

52-9610 Ki067 Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome

52-9620 GFAP Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome

52-9630 BrdU Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome


Tosolini A.P., Mohan R, Morris R., “Targeting the full length of the motor end plates regions in the mouse forelimb increases the uptake of Fluoro-Gold into corresponding spinal cord motor neurons,” Frontiers in Neurology (2013) 1-10.

Tosolini A.P., Mohan R., “Spatial characterization of the motor neuron columns supplying the rat forelimb,” Neuroscience 200 (2012) 19-30.

Bowyer, J.F. and Schmued, L., Fluoro-Ruby labeling prior to an amphetamine neurotoxic insult shows a definitive massive loss of dopaminergic terminals and axons in caudateputamen. Brain Res., 1075, (2006) 236-239.

*Schmued, L.C., “Anti-retrograde and retrograde neuroanatomical tract tracing with fluorescent compounds,” Neuroscience Protocols, 94-050-02 (1994) 1-15.

Van Bockstaele, E.J., Wright, A.M., Cestari, D.M., and Pickel, V.M., “Immunolabeling of retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold: sensitivity and application to ultrastructural analysis of transmitter-specific mesolimbic circuitry,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 55 (1994) 65-78.


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