


▼放屁:fart爸爸的“致命一屁”,让妈妈的精神都崩溃了。Dad’s deadly fart caused our mother to lose her mental balance.

暴露狂:flasher安多尼奥是村子里最勇敢的暴露狂!Antonio is the most intrepid flasher in the village

假发:wig他们举起假发,彼此打了个招呼。They saluted each other by raising their wigs.

半笑:half smile请在上车时忍住不要半笑,因为看起来非常恐怖Please refrain from boarding the train with a half smile, because it is very creepy.

角色扮演:cosplay不知道为什么,经理正在cosplay部门经理。For some reason, the manager is cosplaying as the department manager.

赏味期限:best-before date我不想这么说,但是你已经过了赏味期限了。I am afraid to say this, but you are have passed your best-before-date.

坐牢:behind bars我能和斋藤先生通话吗?他正在蹲监狱,明年才回来。May I speak to Mr. Saito?He is behind the bars right now, and isn’t expected back until next year.

黄色笑话:dirty joke经理的黄色笑话把新年庆典完全给毁了!The New Year celebration was completely ruined by the manager’s dirty jokes.

坠入爱河:fall in love列车延误超过两个小时,因为列车长恋爱了。The train was delayed for more than two hoursbecause the conductor fell in love.

肉球:paw pad请接受象征友谊的肉球。Please accept these paw pads as a token of friendship.

肉眼:naked eye人事课的新人表现如何?说实话,他动作太快了,肉眼看不见。How is the new recruit in the personnel section doing?Actually, he moves too fast for the naked eye to see.

延长线:octopus wiring好棒的延长线!谢谢。我请专业人士设计的。Fantastic octopus wiring!Thanks. I had a pro do it.



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