


埃雷兹·马内拉教授(Professor Erez Manela)





Yes, my research on the international history of the 20th century has often centred the role of the United States in the world. This reflects my own interest in the part the US has played in international affairs as well as the outsize importance of the United States in 20th century international history. It also reflects the relative openness of US government archives (for example, the papers of the White House or the State Department), an openness which facilitates historical research into its foreign policies and global role.

That said, I expect that the emphasis of much international history research may well shift away from the United States in future years. This would be a natural and likely result of the relative decline of US power and influence in recent decades. It may also stem, perhaps more worryingly, from the decline of access to US government documents. So many documents that in the past were preserved in paper form have, in the last 25 years or so, migrated to digital formats. These new formats may well make document preservation and access for future historians more complicated.




I agree that the influence of American culture has been important in many parts of the world throughout much of the 20th century. Nevertheless, I think it is better to think of that era in terms of globalization rather than simply of Americanization. This is because thinking in terms of globalization draws our attention to the diverse influences that non-American cultures and ideologies have had around the world. The global influence of ideologies emanating from communist states such as the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, for much of the twentieth century is one obvious case. Other examples include the impact of Islamic ideologies coming from the Middle East.



There is a great deal of room in our world for international cooperation to solve global problems, as was exemplified in the WHO’s smallpox eradication program. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, of course, we all realize that Issues of disease control remain important globally. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is another problem that cannot be solved without broad international cooperation. One can only hope that world leaders and peoples will have the wisdom and foresight to build and sustain the frameworks, both bilateral and multilateral, that will facilitate such cooperation in the future.




In my view, the relationship between the United States and East Asia, and particularly with China, has been important for centuries. A point I make to my students in the course I teach on the history Sino-American relations is that the relationship to China has been of central importance to Americans since the very birth of the nation. After all, I ask them, where did the tea come from that was the source of controversy in the famous Boston Tea Party that helped launch the American Revolution? It came, of course, from China!

So, while it is true that the United States has had important interests in the Middle East, particularly in the decades since the oil crises of the 1970s, in my view the history of its relationship with Asia, and especially with China, runs much deeper and will only grow in importance in the future. So, to answer your question, not only do I think that adjusting relations with Asia will be a “hot topic” after the war in Ukraine (which I hope will end very soon). I think that this adjustment has, in fact, been the central topic in US foreign relations for some time now and will continue to occupy a place of importance into the foreseeable future.




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