


However, Griffin says charging your adult child rent can be good for your relationship long-term. As well as alleviating any financial burdens caused by their homecoming, it sets healthy boundaries and stops your child from becoming too comfortable and it gives them the added incentive to leave the home and have an independent, autonomous lifestyle. Griffin also reminds parents to respect their adult child’s lifestyle choices, “If they are contributing to the household, it may no longer be appropriate to have a say in how they spend their time or resources.”


Charging adult children rents can ___.

A.alleviate their financial burdens

B.prevent them from moving out

C.make parents more open-minded

D.encourage them to be self-reliant
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However, Griffin says charging your adult child rent can be good for your relationship long-term.



As well as alleviating any financial burdens caused by their homecoming, it sets healthy boundaries and stops your child from becoming too comfortable and it gives them the added incentive to leave the home and have an independent, autonomous lifestyle.



Griffin also reminds parents to respect their adult child’s lifestyle choices, “If they are contributing to the household, it may no longer be appropriate to have a say in how they spend their time or resources.”



Charging adult children rents can ___.


A. alleviate their financial burdens


B. prevent them from moving out


C. make parents more open-minded


D. encourage them to be self-reliant



这三句话其实就是典型的 论点+论据,第一句话先说了找孩子收租金是好事,接着开始详细谈“为什么是好事”,第二句就说可以减轻他们回家造成的经济负担、设定健康边界、为孩子独立生活提供动力,第三句话说可以防止父母过度干涉孩子的生活,答案很简单,就是D。





charging v. 收费

adult child 成年子女

rent n. 租金

long-term adj. 长期的

As well as 还有

alleviating v. 减轻

financial burdens 经济负担

homecoming n. 回家

healthy boundaries 健康的边界

comfortable adj. 舒服的

added adj. 额外

incentive n. 激励

autonomous adj. 自主性

household n. 家庭

no longer 不再

appropriate adj. 合适的

have a say 有发言权

resources n. 资源




Why More Parents Are Charging Their Adult Children Rent





The handful of mentions of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the final 36-page summary for policy-makers – which is compiled by scientists alongside government representatives from any UN member that wants to take part—were only inserted after hours of desperate wrangling. Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries were most insistent that CDR and carbon capture and storage (CCS) should be included and emphasized. But many scientists, campaigners and green experts are unhappy with the references, as they fear that giving the impression there are viable options for removing carbon dioxide might engender a false sense of security.



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